Hi, I’m Anastasia! I am a senior undergraduate Geography/Environmental Studies student at UCLA. I plan to pursue a career in Environmental Education and Youth Ministry. Welcome to my Geospatial Portfolio!

I created and creatively improved a replica of my selected Crater Lake National Park Service Map by making three cartographic changes. I developed a new color scheme for my map, improved/created new symbology and icons to represent features, and changed labeling/text/fonts across the map. My new and improved NPS web map can be viewed using the Map Viewer feature.

(select the image on the right to view the interactive map in ArcGIS Online )

Interactive Web Map of Crater Lake National Park

Some of my previous geospatial work!

This map uses the “Natural Breaks” classification method to visualize the percent workforce participation in the United States. This classification method groups similar values together and maximizes the values between classes.

Relief lines present in the Laguna/Cuyamaca Mountains in San Diego are shown above. Data was retrieved from the USGS website.

This map depicts major parklands in the United States. Parklands are represented using dark green polygons.

This map depicting areas with high, moderate, and very high fire hazards in Riverside, California was created using a variety of geoprocessing tools in ArcGIS Pro. Though labels appear a bit cluttered, this map I made in the GEOG 181A course conveys the overview of fire hazard in relation to landmarks in an effective manner.